FIAP Acceptances
In early 2013 I was awarded my AFIAP - “Artiste” of Federation of International Art of Photography. For this I needed to have at least 30 acceptances in recognised International Salons. These needed to be in a minimum of 5 countries and comprise a minimum of 10 different images. These are the pictures that did it.

The building (well half of it) is in Cardiff Bay. The man is in Jerusalem. Seven acceptances :- Bristol International, Southhampton International, Arizona Photographic Society, Malta International, Smethwick, Swansea International, Welsh International Projected Image Salon (Highly Commended).

Taken in Cardiff Bay, this was accepted in the Welsh International Projected Image Salon, and in the Arizona Photographic Society Electronic Imaging Exhibition.

A simple still life. this was accepted in two USA exhibitions:- Arizona Photographic Society Electronic Imaging Exhibition, and Tropical Image in Florida

The building (well half of it) is in Cardiff Bay. The man is in Jerusalem. Seven acceptances :- Bristol International, Southhampton International, Arizona Photographic Society, Malta International, Smethwick, Swansea International, Welsh International Projected Image Salon (Highly Commended).