As it says in the 'About Me' page, I started on a Kodak Box Brownie but fairly quickly moved on via a number of bellows cameras, an early Instamatic, a Zorki 4 (Russian Leica copy) and a S/H Yashica SLR, before building up an Olympus OM based kit (OM10 - Colour Print, OM1 - Black & White and OM4 - Slides) I still have the OM1 with flash and a small selection of lenses.
In the 1980s I decided to go for one of the 'new-fangled' autofocus SLRs and ended up with a Nikon F801 - largely because, unlike the Canons and Minoltas of the day, I could use my old Tamron lenses by obtaining a new adaptall mount - saving some expense. A S/H F501 followed as a second body and that was later replaced by a F90x Pro.
When digital first came along I was skeptical abut quality but after a while bought a catalogue returned Fuji 3.2mp compact from Jessops at a bargain price of £500 ( RRP £650)
DSLRs inevitably followed, starting with a Fuji S2 Pro, then a Nikon D300 and latterly a D600 with lenses covering from 12 - 840mm.
As I have got older, I don't want to carry so much heavy kit so have 'downsized' to 2 Olympus OM D EM1 cameras Mk1 and mK3) with Olympus 12-100mm and 100-400 lenses and my trusty Tamron Adaptall 90mm Macro (which has followed me from Olympus OM1 days)
I also have a Nikon Compact converted to take infrared images and a handy pocket sized Canon G12
Manfrotto & Benbo tripods and heads.
Assorted Filters, Extension tubes etc.